Wednesday, January 20

[Wrap-Up] 2015 in Books: a Summary

Hello, friends!

I haven't really been posting - I'm a terrible person, there's nothing more I can really add.

So 2015 ended up being an okay reading year. It wasn't overwhelmingly good, but it wasn't bad either. I read a lot of books - well, at least to me it was a lot -, but there were a lot of books I read that I did not enjoy. I will soon be posting my favourite and least favourite books of 2015 and also my reading/bookish challenges and goals for 2016.

As for what I read in 2015, here are some numbers:

85 books read.
                          25602 pages read.
                                                             Average book length: 305 pages.

40 new-to-me authors.
                                       32 of which were females.
24 new series started.
                                     5 series finished.

I'm pretty happy with my reading year overall. It was really surprising to see that I tend to reach for female authors. I'd never noticed that before.
Anyway, keep an eye out for my 2016 reading goals - it'll be posted soon.


  1. Oh wow, 85 books! That's really impressive. I'm glad to see that female authors are becoming more common! Cheers to an amazing 2016 of books! :)

    Erika @ Books, Stars, and the Pages in Between

    1. Thank you, Erika! :) And to think that years ago women weren't even allowed to publish books...
      Happy 2016 readings! :)
