Tuesday, September 8

[Wrap-Up] July + August!

Hello friends!

I hope you had a lovely summer.
Welcome to the post where I grovel at your feet, apologising for taking so long in posting something. Anything.
It has not been easy these past couple of months - I'm afraid I've been suffering from summer laziness. You know, uni ended, I had tons of free time for the first time in months, and all I wanted to do was sleep. I didn't even read much, unfortunately.
Wow, this all sounds so lame.
Anyway, I'm not going to make excuses, as we can all see I suck at them.
I'm really sorry I've been gone this long, and I hope it won't happen again.
As I've said already, these past two months I've been mostly sleeping. And eating. And then sleeping again. And sometimes, in between, I managed to squeeze in a bit of reading time. Not as much as I wished to, and certainly not as much as my TBR pile needed me to. I can tell you, however, that uni is starting back up again, and my reading is picking up again too. I'm pathetic, I know. Who the heck waits till life starts getting incredibly busy again to get a move on their biggest time consuming hobby?
Anyway, here are the books I read during July and August:
  1. A court of thorns and roses, Sarah J. Maas
  2. Alienated, Melissa Landers
  3. Night of cake & puppets, Laini Taylor
  4. Wedding night, Sophie Kinsella
  5. The heir, Kiera Cass
  6. Cinder, Marissa Meyer
  7. Go the f**k to sleep, Adam Mansbach
  8. Deathnote Vol.1, Tsugumi Ohba & Takeshi Obata
  9. Scarlet, Marissa Meyer
  10. Glitches, Marissa Meyer
  11. The queen's army, Marissa Meyer
There were some surprises amongst these books, and some disappointments too. I'll be posting reviews during September, so watch out for that.

Which books did you read during these months? Do you have any recommendations for me to read in September?

Let me know :)


  1. Hya, my choice is quite straightforward when it comes to reading during holiday time: crime novels. Sorry, but that is what rocks my socks in dull lazy days of Summer...

    I've had the time to take on 4 books and realising that one of them was almost a wast of time. I say almost, for reading always brings something into your soul, even if it is just the awareness that it simply...sucks.

    However, I can suggest three of them and advise against the fourth. Let us start from the latter - "The poison Tree" by Tony strong - a true "must miss"; three-hundred-and-something pages with a dull plot, uncalled for profanities, hackneyed descriptions of sexual gore and prosing that didn't do much for the book. So why did I keep on reading it? Well, the beginning was alright: a scholar woman who had divorced, returns from London to Oxford and decides to buy a house with a very gruesome history. This woman is cocky and witty and is going for a PhD on...crime novels. Yup, that was a bit fun and the first murder first-hand narrative caught my attention. But then It went downhill from thereon.

    The other three books were something totally different.

    I'll list them by waning degree of provided restlessness: "A commonplace killing" by Sîan Busby, "One False Move" by Harlan Coben and "Suimsuit" by James Patterson/Maxine Paetro.
    I won't go through the books right now. Maybe I never will, but I'd recommend at least the first two. The first fells like a punch. Or maybe it is just me.

    João Lopes

    1. Hello João!
      It has been so long since I've picked up a crime novel... I miss reading good crime and mystery novels.
      You have definitely peaked my interest - I think I might even have that James Patterson book lying around somewhere on my shelfs. I'll have to check the others out and then I'll let you know what I think.
      I'm so sorry one of the books you read was a fluke - I hate that feeling of wasted time.
      Thank you for commenting!
